it was a full house. i can see everyone had fun. there is even an outsider, i think this is his 2nd time joining us. well, sports is for everyone. so everyone is welcome. More pics G.Fendi & M.Sil drawing the lines. It has been raining, this few days & the lines are gone.
I think we need better & newer ropes.
Berlatih tarik kalat (Tug-Of-War Practise)..
Hassanol in background, while Boy Operation in white-tee.
Mr Rashid (maybe his name, lupa tia) serving the ball.
Jasni looking at the other side of the pit, while sapawi electrical looks on.
Jasni's kid even join his dad for the HLP. Fresh air to refreshen the mind & body.
Awg. Zainuddin calls for the ball.
G.Azman, G.Afendi & eddie ready to catch the serve.
It's a
full house.
Hassanol set the ball, while Boy lined-up for a spike.
G.Razak a bit late, came in late of 2nd Set BUT cant resist to join playing.
Musa M. cracking up a joke at the end of the game.
G.Fendi bringing the refreshments. Only "sehat" water for today.
Hope more people from Refinery will join the Refinery HLP Beach VolleyBall. Its fun playing against each other. It can bring team-work, better communications & make you fit.
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