So sorry for the very slow updates, i'll be more "updater" in the future.
So here's another HLP activity. Sepak Takraw, more pics HERE. i'll try to get other refienry staff pics, inda jua siuk balik. But here are some highlights from that day. (sori, english + ckp malayu, paham-paham aje la)
Ani usul nya Bula Raga.. Tapi di zaman modern ani, pakai plastic tia udah. So, nama baru:
Raga Plastic.
45-darjah bukaan kaki.. lama2 buleh 180-darjah tu.. steady man!!
Edshal membuat hantaran bola utk di-serve. Photo taken by MxM.
Adui.. sakit kali ah.. But semangat ke-sukanan punya pasal. Haayaa!! Background, Matdir senyum2 aje...
G.7 membuat hantar bola. serius gitu lo...
Till next time... More HERE. Enjoy...
Raga Plastic.
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